Monday 19 March 2012

Mythical Writing

Last week, we began reading the myth of the Loch Ness monster. We also watched the DVD version and compared them.

We wrote our own character description of the Loch Ness Monster. Read some examples below!


  1. The Loch Ness monster is located in a country called Scotland, which is in the north of Great Britain. Also the lake is gigantic. Urquhart Castle is next to this lake. The castle is very ancient and spooky! The trees wave in the gentle breeze all day long. The waves, which are shimmering and salty, gush into the shore.

    As well as that, the Loch Ness monster is as huge as an elephant. She has red spots like measles. She has fierce sharp teeth like a lion. The monster can swim so fast. It has grey skin and is very ugly.

    The monster is as strong as an ox. It is very frightened of the light. It puts a very bad mood when it is near light.It gets angry very quick.

    Done by Maisha

    1. Very Good Maisha i am impressed with your work

      ALL UR PPL

    2. Thanks to whoever wrote that

      By Maisha

  2. the Loch Ness monster lives in Scotland, which is in the north in the great Britain. the lake is enormous it is called the Loch Ness. Urquhart castle is next to the lake. The castle is very old & creepy. It was there for years.

    Also the Loch Ness monster is tall as a tower.It has sharp teeth, which is sharp as a knife, that can bight peoples heads off and be dead.The Loch Ness monster is visouse as a bull.The monster can swim as fast as a cheater. This monsters skin is very wrinkled & discussing.

    The Loch Ness monster is very frightened of the light if it had seen it the monster will be so harsh. It will never be friendly with you I think. Can't remember from the film.

    Done by Aysha
