CSI: Forensic Science

This year we will be spending a whole six weeks on our exciting CSI project! We will be completing the following activities throughout this unit:

Explanation text- What is a CSI?
Identifying fingerprints
Handwriting Analysis
Hair and Fibre Analysis
Labelling the bones of the body
Create an e-fit of a criminal
Testing mystery powders
Creating a crime scene diagram
Identifying countries and capital cities where our criminal has visited

In the last week of our topic, a crime scene will be set up and our Redhill CSI's will be responsible for arresting the suspect!Keep a look out for some great photographs of our CSI's at work!


  1. I realy enjoyed it and it was great fun!


  2. CSI week was amazing !!!!!!!!!! Really exciting and interesting !!!! We enjoyed it sooooo much !!!!!!!!!! Let's do it again really sooooooooooon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Great work on leaving your comments guys!Remember to leave your first name only when you post a comment. I'm glad you enjoyed CSI week. You worked really hard to solve our crime!

    Miss Sawicki

  4. Dear miss Sawicki,

    I enjoyed crime scene week it was the best topic I have ever been entertained with.I loved being a spy detective. Overall we were good detectives and had good spy techniques.we found out that the ball and basketball were hiding in Year 2. I was overwhelmed to do this topic.
    Yors truly, Maisha :)

  5. Hi guys :) I LOVED doing this topic becuase our reward was a new basket ball and football P.S:the theif was Mrs Norris in year 2 :P
    Kashf xx (and please prove ypur not a robot LOL!!!)


  7. This was the best subject ever because the teacher in year2 called Miss Noris she stole my classes basketball and football from our classroom at dinnertime between 1:23 and 1:45 on Monday and i had a feeling it was her because she was looking suspicious.

    By Oliver

  8. i loved doing the csi because it was so fun and i loved where ring the costumes but i did feel a bit suffering in them. OK then byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye

    by aysha bibi

  9. CSI week was awesome we had to solve the crime of who had stolen our football and basketball we had just one week to solve the crime. We had even had our very own CSI clothes which contained a mask, gloves and a badge to show people that you are a CSI investigator. Also we had to take all of our five suspect’s footprints, fingerprints and we also had to ask them questions. OUR yr5 classroom had been destroyed one of the tables were flipped over and there was baking powder all on the floor and on the tables and many more bad things had happened to our classroom. We had eventually solved the crime our football and basketball were hidden in their classroom which was Yr2. As well as that we had immediately handcuffed the criminal.
    By Umar

  10. Dear Miss Sawicki,
    I think you are a cool teacher for always giving us great and fun work to do i think you thought realy hard of this subject because you had to work out who the suspect was. I have to say I luved the part when we had to interview Miss Spike it was good and we had to take her fingerprint and by mistake Miss Spike put her hand on the table and her fingerprints went on the table anyway CSI week was awesome we had to solve the crime of who had stolen our football and basketball we had just one week to solve the crime. At the end it was in year 2 and we evientially we found out the suspect was Miss Norris we knew all along because she was really suspicious about it. Afta that Fahim protended to be the police and read out a police sentence. Over all it was great fun and we never knew it was going to be that fun.As well as that we had immediately handcuffed the criminal ( MISS NORRIS)


    1. Woow nailah it was wiked wasnt it and i must agree wiv ya miss sawicki is just totally cool more than coool the best teacher in the whole universe than all other teachers


  11. CSI was cool we took part in a crime scene to get back our fancy football and a bouncy basketball! We looked for fingerprint also we did chromatography. However we had our own clothes such masks, gloves, badges and a white suit. Here is how to describe how our classroom was:
    Flipped tables, flipped chairs, powder and much more.
    We had 5 suspects who wre acting suspiciosly. Eventually we found out it was the Yr2 teacher. Quickly,we handcuffed the suspect but we decided to let her go.

    P.S Thanks for reading
    and plz reply :)

    By UZAYR!

    1. cool enne i loved csi week

  12. I really enjoyed the week. My favroite lesson so far. Fozia.

  13. I really enjoyed csi week it was the funnest lesson that we did i loved the suits that we wore for example gloves, mask, badge , and a white suit and the suspect was the yr 2 teacher.
    By Amina

    1. true dat



  14. It was great!!!!!!

    plzzzzzzzzzzzz reply!!!!!!!

  15. I really enjoyed csi week!!!! :)


  16. I loved doing the blog and i just wish we could do it again but with different crimes and stealing. We wore mask, suit, badge and mask.The criminal was handcuffed and Fahim handcuffed the criminal P.S the criminal was teacher Mrs Norris.Also pleaz reply


  17. I loved doing the csi work and i liked warring the csi soots

  18. csi is so cool i like the fingerprints

  19. Csi is the best topic ever.

    dawud and shameer

  20. We are looking forward to CSI and we can't wait to arrest the culprit!


  21. This website is really cool and intresting.I am so excited to do this blog really soon.

    Simran and Nadeera

  22. What i like about CSI is them and us doing missions.

  23. csi is the best in the world

  24. I am really enjoying CSI

    Safa AND Sara

  25. i am really enjoying to learn CSI. it is the best topic to learn about. by Maimoona

  26. hello miss sawiki,
    i rember we learn about all the types of fingerprints.your finger prints are unqie.
    by haleena and hiba.
    p.s this is hibas one fingerprints help you get good grip.

  27. csi is awsome and cool. i enjoy csi because it is really fun.
    ib love csi its the best.csi is the best.,
    samirula and rohan

  28. "I am so excited!" exlaimed riad

  29. What We've found out about CSI:

    You have to have a very good eye sight just so that you can see very small things on the floor for example hair or bits of evidence.

    By: Tyla and Myala

  30. I like finger prints in csi

  31. I like crime scene investigation

    by dawud

  32. I cant wait for the BIG crime scene 2 happen!

    "HURRY UP!" Yelled Miss Sawicki
    "Where is my homework?" Asked Aaymha

  33. same as dawud! by iman

  34. I really love doing C.S.I because you get to do all these cool things E.g identifying fingerprints and chromatography.We might get to deal with a real crime.
    It's also the best topic ever because you get to know what a C.S.I (Crime Scene Investagator)does. There is much I need to know about C.S.I .
    By Shameer

  35. i really enjyoyed when we learnt about finger prints and what they called!

    by iman

  36. i miss year 5 and miss sawicki :'( but im enjoying year 6. I remember everything in year 5 and the boys addiction to bay blade ¬_¬ Check out what were doing at http://www.redhill.bham.sch.uk (redhill website) :) Aaymha
