Monday 26 March 2012

Last week of the Spring term!

Well Done Year 5! We are almost at the end of the Spring half term. You have been working hard all term and as a reward we have lots of things to look forward to this week.
On Thursday we will be having our 'Redhill Film Festival.' We will have the opportunity to view the films made by other classes, as well as our own. Our video is entitled 'CSI:Redhill' and is based on our fun CSI week.
On Thursday afternoon we will be watching our annual talent show. I look forward to seeing the performance by some of the children in our class. Good Luck to all the participants!
On Friday we will be having a toy day. You will be allowed to bring in a toy to play with. In the afternoon we will be watching the film 'Atlantis' which links to our Water Worlds Topic.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the week Year 5!

Miss Sawicki

1 comment:

  1. I loved water world I don't want it to end!
    I can't wait until the talent show or the film festival, neither toy day!
    I just don't want to leave school for our holiday but on the first day back I will be shining my ideas out!

