Tuesday 28 February 2012

Year 5 Parents

Thank you to the parents who came to the consultation meetings today. I look forward to meeting the rest of year 5's parents on Thursday afternoon. There are two appointments still available if there are any parents who wish to make an appointment and haven't already.

Today was a great chance to tell you about all of the fantastic work year 5 have done so far. It was also useful to hear your ideas and opinions on how to help your child achieve their very best. Thank you for your continued support. 

I'm really pleased that so many of you were interested in posting and commenting on our school blog.
This is a really exciting opportunity for the children to share their work with you. It would be greatly appreciated if you could regularly view the blog with your child and comment on any of the super work they have been doing. I am hoping that the blog will motivate the children to produce their best work so that it can be viewed on the internet. It is also a great way for you to keep up to date with what you child is doing in school. Homework activities will be posted during the week for your child to complete by posting a comment.

Thanks again for your visits today.

Miss Sawicki

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