Tuesday 28 February 2012

Blog Homework and How to post a comment. (Pupils and Parents)

Hello Year 5 and Parents,

Please remember that one of your homework tasks this week is to post a comment on our new blog. Please take your time to look through the photos and pages before deciding where to post our comment. I have written some questions on each page that you might like to answer. You might like to comment on what you enjoyed about a topic.

Posting a Comment:

Select the page or post you would like to comment on.
Scroll down to the comment box.
Type your comment in the box. Please remember to write yur ame in the comment box (First name only if you are a child)
Click on the 'comment as' box and select anonymous
Finally, click publish.

All comments wil be sent directly to myself before they are published to the blog.

Please remember that parents are also welcome to comment on the blog. If you have any problems please feel free to visit year 5 and ask for further guidance.

Good Luck bloggers!

Miss Sawicki


  1. hi miss iv done that but on some of them i have forgoten to just write my first name but i will try a remember


  2. Hi miss Sawiki

    You are the best teacher not telling you who wrote this it is a surprise for school and by the way i couldnt come today casue i was ill go on my blog

  3. Hi miss Sawicki I cant wait to come to year 5 i want you to guess who i am heres a hint im kashfs litle siter...

    :) :D :) :D :)
