Tuesday 28 February 2012

Celebrating good writers!

We have been working really hard in year 5 since returning from the holiday. We have been reading a fantastic text called 'The Pearl Diver' by Julia Johnson. It is about a young boy called Saeed who learns how to dive for pearls. We have really enjoyed reading this book.

As part of our literacy, we have imagined that we are Saeed. We have written some diary entries describing our first ever pearl dive. We would like to share some examples with you.

Please read our work and share your comments with us!

A diary entry by Shakira:

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up very early because I was going on a sambuk for the first time of my life. Quickly I got ready and had my breakfast, then I leapt onto the boat. I was so happy I jumped with joy because it was the first time I was going to dive. I could already feel the water touching my skin. We took off, it took 7 hours to travel to the deep sea.

I felt very nervous and I felt sick. I couldn't see the shore. The my dad told me to get my bright yellow nose peg. I felt butterflies in my stomach but I didn't mention it, the excitement really got me, I just couldn't wait!

Suddenly, I jumped in the water. It felt so cool and relaxing. The water was clear and it was as bright as a saphire touching the sun. The lovely bright blue dolphins sang with joy. Then I saw the most magnificent thing, a group of turtles gliding like professional ballarinas. It was such a breathtaking event. Finally I saw the beautiful oyster, I carefully opened the oyster and got the pearl out. I quickly rushed to the shore. On the way I saw the coral reefs waving goodbye with all the other animals.


A diary entry by Umar:

Dear Diary,

Today I woke up early since it was the day I had been looking forward to since I was a little child. My dad had promised to teach me how to dive.

After 1 long hour it was time for me to dive. I had a clip for my nose and a huge, heavy rock to make me sink faster. As I leapt over the sambuk I could feel butterflies in my stomach as the sun was beating on me. What would I find in this mysterious world?

As I was swimming deeper and deeper I could see a shark lurking in the distance ahead. I saw the coral reefs dancing in the sea. The sea looked like the rainforest. The long seaweed swayed side to side. The stingray lurked behind as its dangerous tail swayed behind it. Suddenly I saw the oyster in the distance ahead. I quickly swam to it and opened it with a knife. There was a creamy, sparkly white pearl laying inside the small oyster. I quickly swam up to the sambuk.


What do you think of our writing?


  1. Good writing i wish mine was up there


  2. I loved Umar's and Shakira's work.I really enjoyed the part when Umar wrote As I was swimming deeper and deeper I could see a shark lurking in the distance ahead. Fantastic work Umar!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Also Shakira i liked when she wrote Suddenly, I jumped in the water. It felt so cool and relaxing. The water was clear and it was as bright as a saphire touching the sun.Excellent work Shakira!!!!!!!
