Monday 27 February 2012

Posting A Comment

Try your blog!

Please remember to have a look through our blog! Your homework this week is to post a comment. Choose which page you would like to comment on.

Here are some ideas for your posts:

-What was your favourite part about the topic?
- Interesting facts you learnt.
-Extra information you found out at home.
-An interesting website you have found about the topic.

Please leave your comment by Monday 5th March.

Good Luck with your posting. Please write sensibly! Your blog is something to be PROUD of!

Miss Sawicki

1 comment:

  1. mujahid I really liked the the pearl diver story my best part of the story was when saeeds dad almost got killed by a killer shark saeeds dad is called abdullah and the captain of a boat called the sambuk the captain is called the nakuda everbody I really loved the pearl diver story. by mujahid.
