Monday 1 October 2012

CSI: Revolting Remus the arch villain!

On Friday, the master criminal Remus escaped from custody. He travelled through many different capital cities before arriving at his secret lair in Mikurajima, Japan. Luckily, the Redhill CSI's got on the case straight away! They worked in pairs to solve different clues to find out the route that Remus took to his secret lair. Within hours, the CSI's gathered together to decide upon the best course of action. Miss Sawicki and Mrs Ali, the lead detectives at Redhill have asked the team of junior CSI's to research the capital cities that Remus has been spotted in. It is important that the CSI's visit each country that Remus has travelled through so that we can collect vital evidence. To do this, we need to learn as much information about each capital city as possible so that we are not taken by surprise by the Revolting Remus gang. The CSI team will then be able to create a mission plan which will lead to the arrest of this terrible villain.

Here is a list of what must be included in each report:

Methods of transport used in this country
General Facts

Read the CSI reports on each capital city below. What do you think of our writing?


  1. Miss Sawickyi csi topic is very exiciting, and we are really enjoing it but insted of csi , i want,s to do space because i am really interested in space topic. any way i want to come school now!it's boring in house. by iman

  2. its so fun! to learn how to take fingerprints.
    iman iman iman iman iman

  3. I am really enjoying this new topic. I can't wait to solve a mystery. By maimoona.


    1. • Remember to use connectives
      • Remember to use also,but,and, because of my target
      • Remember to use punctuations
      • Write in neat handwriting
      • Use adjectives

      Once there was a girl. Called Wilson, she was 15 year’s old. Wilson used to live with her mother deep in the forest. The family was poor and there were many days when they had nothing to eat. So one day Wilson takes permission from her mother to go out and work. Next day when she went to work she was so happy to do work because, she wants money for her house, that’s why she was so happy. But one day she decided to stay at the shop in the night with all the peoples. So Wilson phoned her mother to tell her that she is staying at the shop. “But why my dear you are staying at the shop?”Asked her mother
      Worrying about her. “Mum you do not have to worry I am alive, not died!” uttered Wilson.
      The next day she was alone in the shop a man came and kidnapped her. He was looking strange also his clothes were very dirty same as a pig. But she still calls police on 999 and she shouted “help police help me! Police came fast as a cheetah and arrest him!
      After that day she lived with her mother happily ever after!
      BY IMAN IN YEAR 5!

      This story is about CSI! cool topic

  4. I have enjoyed learning about fingerprints. First I thought they were all same. By maimoona

  5. I miss you!
    By Myala
