Tuesday 29 May 2012

QCA Tests

Last week the children completed their end of year tests. I was extremely impressed with their hard work and concentration all week. Well done year 5! You should be very proud of yourselves.

As a reward for all of our hard work, we had a fantastic ice cream party outside. We then had fun playing lots of different games.

Miss Sawicki


  1. The tests were really hard but I tried my best any way. The hardest test was the science one but I hope I get a good mark. Any way the ice-cream party was fab I had mint chocolate chip and it was yummy. MMMMMMM!
    Thank you Miss Sawicki and Mrs Ali!
    Your the best

    From Shakira

  2. Well Done to all of year 5 in doing so well in the test's !!!! Brilliant news on Humza's achievement in science. Very proud of you !!!!! Keep up the positive attitude towards your school work !!!

    From Humza's Dad ( Mr Wahab)
