Tuesday 29 May 2012

QCA Tests

Last week the children completed their end of year tests. I was extremely impressed with their hard work and concentration all week. Well done year 5! You should be very proud of yourselves.

As a reward for all of our hard work, we had a fantastic ice cream party outside. We then had fun playing lots of different games.

Miss Sawicki

Wednesday 16 May 2012


A new feature in our classroom is the Ipod touch. We can use the Ipod in the morning during registration or when we have finished our work. We have uploaded some fun games as well as some educational apps. The children have been very sensible with this new equipment and I have been very pleased with how well they have taken care of it. Well done year 5.

What apps would you like on the Ipod? Do you have any favourite apps that you use at home? Share any of your ideas below.

Here are some photos of us using the ipod:

Miss Sawicki

Olympic T shirts

We have been very busy designing brand new T-shirts for team GB to wear at the London 2012 Olympics. We spent a whole afternoon working in groups to plan our ideas. We thought carefully about what we wanted our designs to include. We then worked extremely hard to create our t-shirts. Each group had a plain white t-shirt to start with. We were provided with fabric paints, ribbon, letter stencils, glitter glue and Union Jack flags.

Miss Sawicki and Mrs Ali were very impressed with all of the t-shirts. Here are some photos of our brilliant t-shirts!

Persuasive Writing

Over the past three weeks we have been looking at persuasive writing. We started out by reading lots of different persuasive texts and identifying the common features.

We spent our first week of this unit designing an advert for a brand new pair of trainers. We designed our trainers using the Nike ID website. Year 5 designed some fantastic trainers! Take a look at these photos.

We then designed a persuasive advert for our trainers. Here are some examples below:

We have also been busy designing some Olympic T-shirts and thinking about what we would include in our dream school. We have been busy writing to Team GB and our headteacher to persuade them to buy our products and listen to our ideas. Here are some examples of our fantastic persuasive letters:

Numeracy and the Nintendo Wii

In numeracy this week we have been finding the averages of different sets of data.

Today we had fun using the Nintendo Wii. We took it in turns to play Wii Bowling and recorded our scores. We then worked out the mean, mode, range and median!

Well done Year 5! You were really confident with this activity!

I look forward to using the Nintendo Wii in other lessons.

Take a look at our photos!

Sunday 13 May 2012

SATs and QCA week

Tomorrow is the start of the SATs tests at our school. Year 5 would like to wish Year 6 the best of luck with their tests. We know you'll do a fantastic job!

Next week, Year 5 start their own test week. They have been working hard all year and I am sure they will do a fantastic job. Make sure you complete all of your homework as this is good revision.

Good luck from Miss Sawicki and Year 5

Celebration Assembly!

Congratulations to Kashf who was voted our 'Friend of the Week' on Friday. Here is what some of Kashf's friends had to say about her: she is good at everything, she is cheerful, she turns your frown upside down, she is fun and she works hard.

Well done to Amina who was voted our 'Hard Worker of the Week.' Amina wrote a fantastic letter to our head teacher convincing her not to ban play times! Great work Amina!

Congratulations to both Kashf and Amina!

Thursday 3 May 2012

4/5/2012 Celebration Assembly!

Congratulations to Reiss who has been voted our 'Friend of the Week' and Aysha Bibi who has been chosen as our 'Hardworker of the Week.'

Aysha has been chosen for her 100% effort in numeracy this week!She has been working hard on adding and subtracting decimals.

Well done to both Aysha and Reiss!